User not in the sudoers file This incident will be reported

User not in the sudoers file This incident will be reported can happens dues to multiple reasons and it’s up to us that how we identify the issue. We know that in UNIX like systems root is the super user account. It is a great mistake, if you have only and only root user in your operating system because a single mistake or wrong command can cause a great problem as well.

User not in the sudoers file This incident will be reported

Well, back to point, on Debian based Linux flavors this error can be a reason of broken sudo or easy term corrupted sudoers. Broken sudoers has multiple reason, most important are as below;
  1. User must resides in the sudo or admin group and one should not remove it.
  2. The /etc/sudoers file was altered to prevent users in sudo or admin group from elevating their privileges to that of root using sudo command.
  3. Confirm if the correct permission (dr--r----- or 0440) are setup on /etc/sudoers.
We need the sudo command to gain super user privileges to perform various task, if we face deny usage of sudo due to any reason, many of our crucial task might get delayed. I will discuss possible solutions in this post, if you have something more to share, please show up in comments and let me to add this in the post.


  • Sudo Privileges : You need to confirm that either you username has the sudoer privileges or you need to ask the system Administrator to add this user to sudoer. Here is the simple command, when can let you to check this;
    • sudo -l -U ftpadmin

  • Invoke Suoder Privileges : If you are assure that you are have the admin or sudoer priviledges than it might need us to to invoke sudoer privileges by simply adding su before any command. It will prompt for the root password and you can get your work done.
    • [root@localhost ~]# su [command]
