How to get hard drive serial number from command line?

Being a network Administrator, you might be searching for “How to get hard drive serial number from command line?” I am writing this post to target IT Professional like me and also to clear some confusions about the general commands that mostly we think will return accurate results. In all discussion of Operating Systems, I will share my knowledge and will expect to my readers for giving me valuable feedback. You can also share your knowledge or some other commands that can be used to enhance this simple How To.

How to get hard drive serial number from command line?

This is a very generic question but I tried to write this post for all current generation operating systems. I also test all these commands on the computers available to me. Now, you can write me, if any of the command didn’t work or you have some better idea for this How To.
This might not directly work on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 or its family. There is a work around, which I am unable to test with me, you can Install PowerShell version for your Windows XP or other same version of Windows like Windows Server 2003 and can use these commands and I hope these will work.

How to get hard drive serial number from command line on Windows 7/8/10?

Solution: Run Windows PowerShell as an Administrator. You can achieve this by simply typing “PowerShell” in Start Menu > Right click on Windows PowerShell > “Run as Administrator”.
Type any of the command to get the result:
  • WMIC PATH WIN32_PHYSICALMEDIA GET SERIALNUMBER: This will work perfectly on Windows 7 or newer versions as Microsoft Clearly mentioned that SerialNumber property is not available with Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP.

  • START > CONTROL PANEL > SYSTEM > DEVICE MANAGER (compmgmt.msc): Expand the Disk Drive and right click the HDD you want. Select Properties > Details Tab. This location is often refers to give you such information but you wont be able to get serial number information from this location.
  • EXE: This will help you to check your hardware information but it will not be helpful to find manufacturer serial number.
  • VOL or VOL C: This will show you serial number assigned to particular partition not the Physical Hard Disk.
  • LABLE: This will show you serial number assigned to particular partition not the Physical Hard Disk.

I hope this will help you for a quick inventory or something General IT Operations, Please show yourself in the comments.
